New You/ Services
Theta Healing Session and Energy Work to Heal You
The ThetaHealing Session (in Polish or in English) 1 hour $120
During my journey to where I am right now, I have used many energy work methods and technics : Reiki, Sound Therapy, Hellinger Family Constellations to name a few until one day about twelve, or maybe fifteen years ago, as I was getting up to start another day, an overwhelming weakness pulled me down on my knees. I started crying, more like wailing and roaring at God, or the Universe in disbelief that He had planned such a miserable, tearful life for me. In truth, at that moment, then and there, I was done, I had had enough. In my agony, I exclaimed: “You are Love, so you could not have wanted me to suffer so and experience only a series of setbacks intertwined with fleeting shadows of happiness. I do not believe such is a real life.” I begged Him to reveal to me the Real Him and the Real Life that He intended for me and every one of us.
On that day, I decided to tune into The Energy and follow IT, regardless of how crazy it could sound or be. I decided to take a risk and go the road less traveled, the road against all the human norms and patterns of behavior that we all unconsciously repeat as if we were asleep and dreaming a reoccurring nightmare. Determined to find what I was looking for, I followed the guidance of the Universal, All- Embracing Energy or as I called it ,God , and my intuition. In other words, I choose to follow my HEART, not my BRAIN.
Was I scared? Hell Yeah , I was terrified, because I did something that nobody had taught me how to do before, but I had nothing to lose. In my eyes, I had been losing everything all my life .
That is how my adventure with the wonders of the Energy World began. I have learned how to free and heal myself form hurtful emotional and behavioral patterns cause by no other than FEAR. While working on harnessing my fears I have discovered and developed many spiritual gifts that we all have like: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and I have developed my own methods and technics of releasing FEAR and replacing it with LOVE. LOVE for God, for myself and others, and at the end for LIFE.
Healing myself and others with LOVE, because the Energy that heals is LOVE.
Later on, I had stumbled upon The ThetaHealing and to my amazement, the ThetaHealing has confirmed everything, I have learned, by myself, about how to work with the Energy and use IT to heal myself and others. The Energy of All that is that we all are. The Energy of the Creation that wants us to be free and create an extraordinary life.
Life lined with dreams come true, not nightmares. So, I have added The ThetaHealing and combined it with other methods and technics I have created or have been guided to in order to help myself and others. Opening the door to Freedom from fear, in reality , Freedom from being a slave to something invisible and illusive has revealed my True Self and the True Nature of this world that we live in.
Working with the Energy opens up the channel to communicating with IT. It enables you to shed negative beliefs and emotions and replace them with positive ones.
The energy work I do reprogram your subconscious thoughts for success and happiness, you deserve, and helps bring out your best self into the LIGHT. The Light that you already are, to create the best life possible.
The Life you Dream of.
Make your Dreams come True!
The ThetaHealing Session (in Polish or in English) 1 hour $120
Theta Healing Session and Energy Work to Heal You
A 30 minute session Conversation with your Soul and letting you experience the lightness of the Light in you – $55.
If you wake up in the morning with an overwhelming, uncontrollably trembling all your insides feeling of fear : Fear of competition , Fear of rejection , Fear of failure, Fear of people’s jealousy, you name it, like I have, most of my life.
Let’s have a conversation with your soul!
Tell me what your fears and limitations are and I will tune it and tap into the Energy of your soul and ask her what subconscious beliefs are blocking you form your success: in relationships ,in business. In other words, what is holding you up from living a dream, living the life you always envisioned for yourself in your mind and in your heart.
In my years of working with the Energy, practicing and experimenting with IT, I have discovered that it is important to acknowledge the existence of our souls and talk to them.
Our souls in their true nature are a ball of God’s Light and Unconditional Love. That is what we are in our mom’s bellies and as we enter this world.
However, around the time when we turn 4 years old our souls put on what I like to call a winter coat that covers the Light that they are. The coat is what some people call our subconscious mind where all the subconscious programs, behavioral patterns ,all our fears, harmful sabotaging blockages reside.
I have learned to talked to my soul and the souls of others to help them release all that is not theirs, in other words , help them take off the winter coat little by little, inch by inch to let the Light that ours souls and we are shine out, limitlessly.
This Limitlessness paves and lights up the way to Heaven = Happiness in here and now.
A 30 minute session ( in Polish or in English)
Conversation with your Soul and letting you experience the lightness of the Light in you – $55.
Reading Cards
A 15 minute reading session ( 2-3 questions)(in Polish or in English) $30
As long as I remember I have been fascinated by clairvoyants and card readers, people who can see the world beyond and hear its answers, its voice. Deep inside me I kept hearing a returning thought, an urge:” I want to be like them, I want to know the answers too”. As I was working with the Energy, following IT in healing myself from false beliefs about myself and this world. The silky in its touch, lucid and concealed vail of the invisible began to lift itself inviting me to look inside. The more I let myself be free from the human conditioning and illusions about this world and myself the more I could see.
We all have that gift and many more inside us, but it is buried under misconceptions that we have been taught by others in this life and in past lives about this world and about what we as individuals are or are not capable of.
In my readings, I use my abilities to hear and see the messages from beyond because these messages give a person who comes to me a chance to heal or at least to start a healing process.
As a healer/card reader I use a variety of cards : Angel Cards, Love Cards, Cards that picture the wisdom of the creatures from the Kingdom of the Forest, Minerals and more because the answers we are looking for are all around us, if we are willing to see them.
There are answers to all our questions, just be brave to ask them.
Cards are truly an amazing tool that can shed a light on your most prevailing problem and suggest a solution.
Come and look beyond with me.
A 15 minute reading session ( 2-3 questions)(in Polish or in English) $30